Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Yummy Strawberry Syrup


The kids are having a hard time with the homemade yogurt.

They won't eat it anymore.

...But I LOVE it! I am saving so much $$ making it, but it's not worth it if the kids won't eat it, right?

I have discovered a Strawberry Syrup Recipe from Our Best Bites (which is an amazing blog and now cookbook, by the way!)

The Strawberry Syrup is AWESOME in the yogurt. And...mix it with granola?!? Shut the front door! It makes my mouth water!


And...it's SO easy!

Strawberry Syrup

1 pint of strawberries (green cut out)
1/3 cup white sugar
Splash of Lemon Juice (I used the bottled kind)

1. Simmer your strawberries (you don't have to add any water) until they get a little soft and strawberry juice is created.

2. Dump the strawberries in a blender/cuisinart.
3. Add sugar and lemon juice.
4. Blend until your desired texture is achieved. I made mine into a puree this time around.
5. Eat your weight in whatever it is you use this on!

Some ideas for this sauce:

Homemade Yogurt
Ice Cream
Strawberry Shortcake
Just swim in the glorious goodness...

Enjoy! And, let me know what you think!

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